Re: Support service

On Mon, 2022-02-14 at 20:18 +0000, Jonathan Wakely wrote:

Well I think it's a bit of both, in practice. I doubt every
contributor to gtkmm is paid to do so.

A bit OT; but yes I agree in principle. There's a whole philosophy of
foss responsibility which basically boils down to: If you're doing work
for other people, then you SHOULD be paid. if you're doing work for
yourself (training, fun, volunteering for the good of humanity etc)
then you've got more reason to do stuff for free, although I think
unpaid volunteers can find themselves in a responsibility trap that
creates a very real labour rights issue. Although some disagree that
labour issues are possible in Free and Open Source, I say there are
many forces both social and political that keep people working against
their own labour interests.

Remember kids; if a company asks you to fix their problems without
paying you. Just say no.


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