How to unblock bugfix, pipeline failed with unrelated error in gtk


I'm trying to send a merge request of a bugfix in gtkmm, but the build pipeline fails with an unrelated error in (or at least it seems so, the error is pasted to the bottom of this email).

What's the usual way to go about this? Should I notify owners of Gtk? By what channels? Or is it on me to track it down, get that fixed first, before I can propose my Gtkmm fix to be considered?


FAILED: subprojects/gtk/examples/application3/exampleapp3_resources.h
/usr/bin/glib-compile-resources ../subprojects/gtk/examples/application3/exampleapp.gresource.xml --sourcedir ../subprojects/gtk/examples/application3/. --sourcedir ../subprojects/gtk/examples/application3 --internal --generate --target subprojects/gtk/examples/application3/exampleapp3_resources.h
../subprojects/gtk/examples/application3/exampleapp.gresource.xml: Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Operation not permitted).

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