Re: when we can delete a class derived from Gtk::Window or others

Den 2022-02-18 kl. 18:55, skrev Klaus via gtkmm-list:

I tested you example and it works whenever the user closes the windows in the reverse
order from creation.

That it seems to work is known. The question is, is it the allowed way
to do this? If the Gtk::Window class performs more actions after hide()
and access data for the current class, the code has undefined behavior,
even if it works in the moment. I simply could not find any
documentation which gives me an idea what the window class perform on
close action.

Several of the example programs in the gtkmm tutorial delete a Gtk::Window in a "hide" signal handler. See e.g.

In the examples I've found, the deletion is not done by the window itself in an overridden default signal handler. It's done in a connected signal handler. I'm pretty sure it doesn't make a difference.

I would say it's safe to delete a Gtk::Window in a "hide" signal handler, default or connected. I ran the main_menu example with valgrind, both as it is on the website, and with "delete this" in an overridden default signal handler. valgrind did not report any illegal memory accesses.


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