Re: [guadec-list] IMPORTANT: GUADEC change of dates and location

Here is some information about Vilanova and the CampusMed. Please post
your questions. Any feedback from people knowing the city and the
location is very much appreciated. We hope you like the change and we
expect this to be a bright and shiny GUADEC.
Sorry, I have been off for the last three weeks. I do not want to criticise 
the work that others have done since everyone knows how much work is involved 
in organising a GUADEC.
Said that, as Lluis, I think we should reconsider the decision of doing GUADEC 
in Vilanova. This is no longer Barcelona's GUADEC. Vilanova is 45/50 minutes 
by train from the city center and we lost all the strength points of been in a 
city with good public transport, full of cultural activities, etc.
I have contacts in many local universities of people that likes and uses FOSS, 
we can contact them to look for alternatives. I do not know if this step have 
been already done.
Any possibility to reconsider this decision?




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