Re: [guadec-list] Call for papers Howto


Quim Gil wrote:
En/na David Neary ha escrit:
We should have regular conference calls if we can, though.
Yes! What about starting this week?
In the past, Tim has taken care of the infrastructure. In the interim, 
we sould ask Owen to set one up, if possible, at RedHat. That should be 
OK for one or two, but after that we'll need something better.
On a more community level, what would you (plural) think of regular IRC
A model which works pretty well is to have 3 pronged meetings - people 
are both on the phone and IRC at the same time, allowing the phone to 
move much more smoothly, and people can reply with interjections & 
comments on IRC. Any documents which need reading go into a wiki.
But both phone & IRC meeting should be good.

Of course it would be good to have Anne around. She has followed the
GUADEC7 process since the very beginning, she was in Barcelona and she
met there Jordi Mas, Carlos González and other people that will take
part in the organisation at a local level.
Anne, are you on this list?


David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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