Re: [guadec-list] Whoring myself out


sorry for my ignorance but... how do I put myself into the Community list? It says I'am not allowed to edit the page, shall I subscribe somewhere or somthing?
thanks :P

Quim Gil wrote:
Hi Andy, thabks for joing the pre-party.

You have 4 steps that apply more or less to everybody interested in
collaborating at GUADEC7:

We haven't met yet at a local level. We could have the first one in,
say, mid december. The main obstacle for not meeting before is myself
:(  but I hope once we have done this first meeting we can set a more
regular routine.

En/na Andy Wingo ha escrit:

Hey folks,


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     /  Alfredo C. López                          /
    /  Barcelona IEEE Student Branch Member	 /
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