[guadec-list] Re: poor man's SWOT analysis of GUADEC


Vincent Untz a �it :
I'm not sure what kind of other conferences you're talking about, but
isn't this the role of local groups (if they exist, of course)? E.g.
events in France are pretty much covered by GNOME-FR people and it's
probably the same for Germany/GNOME-DE and other countries.
There's lots we can do at the foundation level to help.

- Collect and maintain a calendar of events which are relevant and which happen annually - http://live.gnome.org/MarketingTeam/AnnualEvents - Co-ordinate regional groups, keep in contact with the organisers, and make sure that the regional information in this calendar and contact details for the regional group are kept up to date - http://live.gnome.org/UserGroups (needs constant care & attention). - Collect the names & geographical location of people from GNOME who give shit-hot presentations. Having a big-name GNOME persopn at a conference is great for us. TODO. - Encourage new people to start giving presentations - we can help out with stock presentations and advice. You don't get good at giving presentations except by giving them. TODO. - Collect (and create?) presentations on GNOME, so that they can be reused or pilfered. http://live.gnome.org/MarketingTeam/MarketingMaterial (this is a mish-mash with no quality control).
The foundation should be a conduit for this type of information - making 
sure that people know who's doing what, and who can help. I would like 
to see regional organisations who are planning stands, or looking for 
speakers, or organising a conference/meeting/hackfest get into the habit 
of adding board gnome org to the announcement mail, and asking us for 
help whenever they need it. We may not be able to help, but usually we 
can give e-mail addresses of people who've worked on similar stuff, and 
pointers towards material which exists (usually somewhere in the wiki or 
on ftp.gnome.org).

David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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