Re: [guadec-list] Logo contest result: tie (what to do now?)

Calum Benson wrote:
Count how many times each logo includes the word "GUADEC"?  Lock the  
artists in a room and have a pillow fight to the death? :)
It really cost a lot! :p

One option might be to consider the logos on their technical merits  
(someone like tigert or jimmac might have to help out here)... i.e.  
whether one would be better than the other for reproduction in black- 
and-white, on photocopies, on posters, on t-shirts (does having a  blue 
background limit us to doing blue t-shirts every year?) etc.
IMO it's not a good approach, because these are just logos, and won't 
set the coloring theme.  I tested all of my logos in many coloring 
themes. You can find theme here:

Also tavon has a logo with different background colors on his theme:

    '     Behnam Esfahbod
  *  ..
 *  `  *
  * o *

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