Re: [guadec-list] Registration fees


For info: we didn't discuss GUADEC registration fees last night at the board meeting, I'll bring it up on the list.
I'm not going to second guess the planning committee - if the budget 
requirements of the conference mean we need to charge a registration 
fee, so be it.

Quim Gil wrote:
We have already a whole Warm Up weekend which is totally free. It's best
moment to get " a lot " of local people.

About the core GUADEC days, we can sponsor people, we can have a fair
rate for students (and the local ones will get 1 credit for accredited
assistance) and we have a very fair registration for professionals. This
allow these people to attend the 3 days + 2 After Hours.

I think the conditions are in general fair.

Having " a lot " of local people during the core days just because the
entrance is free might not be ideal.

Last year there was also a discount for Foundation members, isn't it?
Can we have the official prize list of Stuttgart instead of trying to


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Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

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