[guadec-list] i18n of the GUADEC website

Moving here this thread started in gnome-web-list. What do you think?

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En/na Murray Cumming ha escrit:
> I guess you will test this by having the GUADEC 2006 site in multiple
> languages, and involving the internationalization team in that?

We could do this at least for Spanish and Catalan, since there are
planned activities in these languages as well. By now
http://beta.guadec.org/?q=forum has space for messages in Spanish and
Catalan. Other languages can be added if it makes sense.

I'm not sure about adding other languages, since the event itself has
English as the single official language. But why not.

Technologically there wouldn't be any problem to do this test for
GUADEC. Human resources is what worries me. It is being hard to get
collaboration/participation in English (even to edit my texts in English
- not my mother language, as you see). But said that, finding volunteers
for English to es/ca translations seems feasible.

If the i18n team wants to run a test with the GUADEC site then no
problem, let's do it. If this is the case please follow de discussion in

Quim Gil - http://desdeamericaconamor.org

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gnome-web-list mailing list
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