Re: [guadec-list] Minutes of local meeting, 28 February

Andy Wingo wrote:

> * Quim to mail list with a preliminary list of tasks that need owners


> * Quim to put information on what a collaborating group is on the web
> site somewhere


> * Quim to figure out who the network administrator is at Vilanova

Done. Gil Forcada and in charge of making sure the wireless
network will work. Topic moved to guadec-local.

> * Quim to try to get statements from people regarding intentions in the
> thursday and friday

More information provided to help/encourage people, teams and companies
submitting sessions:

Potential sessions for the WarmUp weekend and the After Hours workshops

Published also in Planet GNOME and

I'm thinking of sending an email to the advisory board companies to
encourage them to submit sessions this week, including company meetings.
Dave gave once an email address to contact the Advisory Board but I
don't know if it's appropriate to use it for something like this.

What is becoming more clear I think is that weekend and after hours are
days as valid as the Core, and people is making room for attending the
whole week (I think).

Quim Gil /// |

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