Re: [guadec-list] Gnome Logo and Guadec Logo Fonts

Hi Dave,

On 3/5/07, Dave Neary <bolsh gnome org> wrote:
One thing - the Bitstream font you use for the "normal" GNOME logo
doesn't match the one that Mairin Duffy made last year, which is now the
official one:

The official one resembles (a lot) the MS Trebuchet we used to use, and
I think it looks really good.

I know.  Gnome Logo only has 'a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'g', and 'u'
characters, not all english alphabet.  The font of "GNOME" word in the
first example is NOT Gnome Logo; just the "GUADEC" word is.  Sorry for
the confusing example; I just wanted to show a real-world use case.

   '     بهنام اسفهبد
   '     Behnam Esfahbod
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