Re: [guadec-list] [ #2786] letter of invitation

Please read <> and fill out the form linked from that page with the information you have given us.


On 05/15/2007 10:26 AM, Olav Vitters via RT wrote:
On Mon May 14 09:21:59 2007, student_conferences yahoo fr wrote:
hi ,  l�m  an economics student  in spain ,  and your   ��THE GNOME
CONFERENCE -july 15-21 ,2007�� is of interest to me  .
  please, send me  a letter of invitation so l can take this event .
  this is all information about me .

   Surname :   REZKI .
   First name :   MAHIOUT .
   Organisational affiliation:   UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS (SPAIN).
   Place of Birth :    MAATKAS.
   Date of Birth :   DECEMBER 22nd 1982 .
   Passport number :   6225760 .
   Passport issue date :   23 JULY 2006 .
   Passport expiration date :   22 JULY 2011 .
    please, to send me this letter  by e-mail if possible.
  Rezki  MAHIOUT
mailman gnome org is not meant for queries like above. I've cc'ed 
guadec-list; perhaps they can help you.

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