Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC Budget Information

On 06/07/11 13:02, Agustín Benito Bethencourt (Toscalix) wrote:
Hi Dev,

I just took care of the part of the budget related with the local team. I didn't
have anything to do with the KDE or GNOME budget except for some expenses that
were covered by both Foundations and I somehow helped to determine, like T-
shirts or parties, for example.

Claudia and Stormy did the budget and took care of the expenses. I have the info
of what the Cabildo of Gran Canaria and the local companies paid.

Brian, what numbers do you need? If I can help you, I will.
I think Dave Neary was just suggesting that it would be good to provide
more detail of the budget on the Wiki:

Any documentation you can provide to make this more clear and
transparent would be great.

If you could touch base with Claudia and Stormy to make the information
more complete or organized, then that would also be great.


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