Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC pre-conference schedule

On 2012-05-23 10:00, Bastien Nocera wrote:
On Tue, 2012-05-01 at 00:04 -0400, Karen Sandler wrote:
We'll need to schedule our in person board meeting and also our in
person advisory board meeting, preferably for before the conference
officially starts.

Is it possible to have the in person board meeting on the 24th and the advisory board meeting on the 25th? I'm ccing the current board in case
anyone has any other thoughts...
FWIW, we should also CC: all the incumbents. Those dates are fine by 
will need to make changes to my sponsorship request though.
Thanks for bringing this up again. I know Chema said that the 25th is 
Bank Holiday so we'd need to ask Igalia if we could have the meeting in 
their offices, while they're hosting the UX hackfest. Chema, or someone 
else from Igalia on this list, can we check that this is possible and 
also arrange for audio conferencing in that room? We really need to get 
these meetings scheduled so folks can make their travel arrangements. 
(I've had one incumbent board member indicate that the date's no good, 
but so far that's been it.)

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