Re: [guadec-list] code of conduct/anti-harassment at GUADEC


On 01/03/2013 06:12 PM, Bastien Nocera wrote:
Can you define discrimination here, and discuss some past experiences in
other conferences or at GUADEC?

Did we have to take action for "discriminatory behaviour" at GUADEC?
What are currently our course of action when problems occur, are the
Board or the organisers, or both responsible for enforcement?

I'd really like to understand what is defined as the problem before we
discuss about guards against it, or enforcement. I also prefer
encouraging the positive approaches (like WOP has done) than enforcement
at a later date.
Nobody likes pointing fingers or naming names, but here are a few of the 
incidents I have seen or been made aware of at GUADEC/DS in recent years 
(without naming names or hopefully giving away enough details to 
identify the people involved):
* One young man got drunk at a party and got a little too friendly with 
a female conference attendee.
* One man was making jokes about islam while at lunch off-site, and when 
asked to stop by another conference goer, didn't...
* Another man picked a fight with a prominent community member

The list could go on - these are the ones which come readily to mind.


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: dneary gnome org
Jabber: nearyd gmail com

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