Re: [guadec-list] guadec - data from superlectures

Hi Rui,

the amount of data is 60GB, the bandwidth I must to check, but should be few MBps (the initial peak is over).
You have the guaranteed for one 
year. Then we will not delete the data until we have enough disk space 
(or you can prolong the hosting) - anyway we will inform you in such 
case in advance.
The second option is to put videos on a YouTube channel and we can 
replay videos from YouTube instead of our HDD. But then users will 
suffer from commercials.

The service is proprietary (it's commercial service) so we are not able to provide you the
CMS, player, search engine, etc.. Sorry.
On the other hand you will get all videos, automatic transcripts, slides sync metadata, etc..


Dne 7.9.2013 22:24, Rui Tiago Cação Matos napsal(a):
Hi Igor,

can you answer the questions below?


On 7 September 2013 12:22, Andrea Veri <av gnome org> wrote:
Thanks for asking this Kat. We definitely need a few statistics of both the
disk and bandwitdh used for the videos before migrating them over the GNOME
[ snip ]

Sure, that's actually up to the people that will provide me the videos, I'll
just set them up in a publicly available web server in the format you will
provide them to me. As an additional note, we should probably ask
superlectures to set up an apache redirect to our servers when the migration
will happen. (to avoid current urls to break at migration time)

Also is the superlectures web UI proprietary or we can eventually set up an
istance of the videos similar to the superlectures one? or do we just need
the videos to be available somewhere without caring too much about the web
frontend used for viewing the videos?

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