Re: [guadec-list] Next local meeting tomorrow or Friday?

I messed it all up. Got stuck at a meeting at work.
On top of that, half of the team thought it would be a face to face meeting, and half that it would be an IRC meeting (because I wasn't clear in my mail).
Lets try and do this next week maybe?
- Andreas

On 2015-04-22 15:48, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
I will unfortunately be slightly late to todays meeting at 18.00 (local time).
- Andreas

On 2015-04-21 12:04, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
It would be a good time for another local meeting. Either tomorrow (yes, a bit short notice) or on Friday.
Last time we held it 18.00, and that seemed to work ok for everyone.
Let me know your preference, and hopefully we can meet up soon.
- Andreas

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