Re: [guadec-list] keynote speaker..

Thanks for the name Sri we have list of suggestions here [1], feel
free to her name there. That said we said that we want to focus on
finding interesting people who lives in the region, that said your
suggestion is welcome and we will
consider it.


On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:
Happy New Year!

I've joined the list, as I'm mainly interested in keynote speakers. I
would really like to help find and get quality speakers.  I have one
suggestion that I think would be really good.  Her name is Genevieve
Bell, she is an Intel Fellow and is the Director of User Experience.
She spoke at the equivalent of a Northwest version of  SXSW.  She
works here in Hillsboro, and with your permission I would like to
approach her as a possible candidate.  Here is some background

I think she has some amazing qualities and I think I can make a good
sell given Intel's involvement with the GNOME project.  Let me know if
you feel that this would be a good candidate.  I would like to start
early.  If you reject, I will think of someone else.

As luck would have it, she works in the same campus as I do and it
should not be hard to send her a note and meet for coffee and talk
about GNOME, its mission, GUADEC, and anything else you might want me
to bring up.

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-mvh Oliver Propst

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