Re: [guadec-list] Wifi status for the venue

On 22 July 2015 at 11:11, Andreas Nilsson <lists andreasn se> wrote:
A quick update about the wifi status at the venue.

I called the IT person at Folkets Hus yesterday and asked about the
capabilities of the network, since our contact in charge of the booking said
that there might be some limitations to the network, but was uncertain about
the details.
The IT guy said that the wifi network should handle up to 300 units at the
same time, and that every device gets a cap for 54 Mbits. The entire
internet connection is 1 Gbps both up and down.
Sounds great!
300 should be just about right for 100 participants :)

There is 2-3 ethernet jacks in every room, so speakers should be able to
connect directly to those (I'll bring my USB ethernet dongles). There is
also no particular restriction on the ethernet ports, so it's entirely
possible for us to bring extra routers and set up a backup network in case
the load on the venue's wifi gets to intense.

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