Minutes on the wiki:   https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2016/Meetings/20160406 == Action Items, by person ==  * dperpeet  * dperpeet to talk to achat  * moggi  * moggi to talk to leonardo hotel == People Present ==  * dperpeet  * kittykat  * moggi  * benzea  * muelli  * mms  * andreasn Meeting started by benzea at 19:18:44 UTC (full logs). == Meeting summary (edited) ==  * Accommodation    * ACTION: dperpeet to talk to achat    * ACTION: moggi to talk to leonardo hotel    * muelli/mms contacted B&B which is further away (behind main station) out but cheaper    * Leonardo Hotel looks like the best option based on room sizes and price (about €30)    * ACHAT Plaza looks to be a good recommendation for a more luxurious hotel
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