Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC 2016: length and schedule

On 2016-01-27 10:49, Benjamin Berg wrote:

We are now at a point where we should soon finalize the venue booking.
And while I am not totally set on it, I am actually thinking of staying
with 3 core days for next year at least. The main reason for this are:
  * more time for social events/hallway track
  * we just moved down to 3 from 4 days last year
  * I am not a fan of e.g. cutting the intern lightning talks
    (in the very least it is a good learning experience)
While I would feel it might be OK to cut the interns lightning talk, 
there are other things like the AGM, group photo, lightning talks etc. 
that would get rushed with a 2 days only program.
Hence I support the idea of three core days.
- Andreas

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