Re: [guadec-list] Video/Streaming Artwork

On So, 2016-05-29 at 11:36 +0200, Bastian Ilso wrote:
That's cool!

I'll have a look at it in June or July most likely once I hit summer 
vacation. :)
Cool! Can I set you a preliminary deadline of a month in advance?

Ah, I forgot. Please include a "CC BY-SA 4.0" icon in the intro and/or
the outro.


On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 6:08 , Benjamin Berg 
<benjamin sipsolutions net> wrote:

I just dropped by the video team here (at the GPN).

So, they are currently testing their full HD setup and it is
fine (i.e. we get full HD).

For the intros/outro there are two options:
 * SVG based creation using their tool
 * Generate intros/outro ourself in the exact same format
   (check source code ;-))

Note that we should be able to generate these during GUADEC in case
talk is re-scheduled or for the unconference tracks.

We should/can also create:
 * Full screen background in full HD (static or video)
 * static "streaming" overlay image in full HD (PNG)
   (only shown during streaming)
 * Theme for the streaming website (deployed on their servers)

See recent videos on for examples.

I am not yet sure what the projector aspect ratio is. My guess
relatively old and therefore 4:3. The produced video is however
widescreen in all cases.

Some notes:
 * Might be nice to have a CCC logo somewhere, but not necessary
 * Unless we request something else the videos will be published by
them on and youtube (on our account)


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