Hi all,I'm not particularly pushing the 2 core day option, but here's an experiment to show what it could look like:Day 19.45-10.00 Opening10.00-10.40 Talks ×210.45-11.25 Talks ×211.25-11.40 Coffee break11.40-12.20 Keynote12.20-14.00 Lunch14.00-14.40 Talks ×214.45-15.25 Talks ×215.25-15.40 Coffee break15.40-16.00 Short talks ×216.05-16.25 Short talks ×216.30-16.55 Short talks ×217.00-18.30 Intern's lightning talksDay 210.00-10.40 Talks ×210.45-11.25 Talks ×211.25-11.40 Coffee break11.40-12.20 Keynote12.20-14.00 Lunch14.45-15.30 Team reports15.30-16.00 Group photo16.00-17.00 AGM17.00-18.30 Lightning talks and closingThis gives 18 talks (12 long of 40 minutes and 6 short of 20 minutes), 2 keynotes, 1.40 for lunch and 15 minutes for coffee breaks. For reference, the number of talks over the past 3 GUADECs have been 34, 24 and 34. This year the talks were mostly 30 minutes long (20% were 45 minutes long). In the past all talks were 45 minutes in length.Of course, the number of talks could be increased by:1. Reducing the length of the long talks2. Removing one or both keynotes.3. Removing the final lighting talk session.I'm personally against 3 but would be open to 1 and perhaps removing 1 keynote.Day 19.45-10.00 Opening10.00-10.30 Talks ×210.35-11.05 Talks ×211.10-11.40  Talks ×211.40-11.55 Coffee break11.55-12.35 Keynote12.35-14.00 Lunch14.00-14.30 Talks ×214.35-15.05 Talks ×215.05-15.20 Coffee break15.20-15.40 Short talks ×215.45-16.05 Short talks ×216.05-16.25 Short talks ×216.30-16.50 Short talks ×216.50-18.20 Intern's lightning talksDay 210.00-10.30 Talks ×210.35-11.05 Talks ×211.10-11.40  Talks ×211.40-11.55 Coffee break11.55-12.35 Talks ×212.35-14.00 Lunch14.45-15.30 Team reports15.30-16.00 Group photo16.00-17.00 AGM17.00-18.30 Lightning talks and closingWithout keynotes you'd get 22 or even 26 talks, if some of the were short ones.Allan