Re: [guadec-local] Network infrastructure

On Fri, 2013-05-17 at 09:47 +0000, Debarshi Ray wrote:
Hey Florian & Jozef,

Collabora (CC: Jeff) wants to provide technical sponsorship in terms
of providing a good network (wifi, wired, etc.) infrastructure for

Where do we stand regarding that? As far as I understood we currently
using the faculty's infrastructure at the venue.


The faculty can provide the internet connection for non commercial

Technically, the rooms are covered with wifi. The ethernet connection
should be possible. We have to discuss this with our network

  Ing. Jozef Mlích
  Ph.D. student
  Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
  Faculty of Information Technology
  Brno University of Technology
  Božetěchova 2, 612 66 Brno
  Czech Republic

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