Re: [guadec-local] (no subject)

I agree with Ekaterina, having a white-list of personal factors in regard to which people can (or cannot) be discriminated goes into EULA-territory, and leaves a lot of wiggle-room. I do not see "political beliefs" on that list, for example, but of course the CoC does not open up for people to discriminate based on that. 

I believe most people will understand the purpose of a generic document, which is pretty much "don't be a douche". Keeping it shorter also makes it easier for people to keep it in mind.


    Christopher Svanefalk
    Cell: +46762628251
    Skype: csvanefalk

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3756 gmail com> wrote:
On 16 June 2015 at 10:39, Jonas Danielsson <the sator gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> So here is my suggestion for the GUADEC 2015 Code of Conduct.
> It is pretty much exactly the 2014 GUADEC code of coduct.
> I have also pretty much copied the wiki entry from 2014.
> I think this is a nice code because it contains at least:
> a) what is unacceptable behavior
> b) how it will be enforced
> c) how and to whom do you report to

I am still strongly against having a document which labels specific
groups and specific actions as offence is so open to interpretation
and the required action varies depending on each situation. I would
personally encourage you to consider a more generic document and would
be happy to help with such a thing.

> What's missing is people willing to be in the Code of Conduct
> support team. Described in the Wiki as:
> "These people from among the conference organizers and GNOME
> community form the code of conduct support team. Please contact them for help
> and to report any incidents."
> Any takers?
> I would also like an opportunity to talk to volunteers before/during
> the conference. About why a CoC is needed and how to enforce it.

There should be volunteer meetings before the event opens and at the
end of each day. These should be arranged by the volunteer coordinator
(i.e. Alexandre).

> Much love
> Jonas
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Code of Conduct
> Short version
> GUADEC is dedicated to a safe and friendly conference experience for
> everyone. Please be considerate of other people in your actions at all
> conference events. Please report any concerns to one of the contact
> people below.
> Longer version
> GUADEC is a welcoming and friendly event, during which GNOME
> contributors often make friends and resolve to come to the next
> GUADEC is dedicated to providing a safe and friendly conference
> experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and
> _expression_, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
> size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of
> conference participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive
> verbal comments related to any of the above qualities, deliberate
> intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording,
> sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical
> contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
> Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference
> venue, including talks. Sexist, racist, or other exclusionary comments
> or jokes are not appropriate for GUADEC. Such content and remarks can
> be harassing to people by making them feel excluded by other
> attendees.
> Participants asked to stop any harassing or inappropriate behavior are
> expected to comply immediately.
> Exhibitors in the sponsor exhibit space are also subject to the code of conduct.
> We expect participants to follow these rules at all conference venues
> and conference-related social events.
> The enforcement policy of this Code of Conduct can be found at:
> Contacts:
> Code of conduct support team
> Other useful numbers/links:
> Emergency number for police, fire department, or ambulance: 112
> Tourism office:
> --
> From time to time confidential and sensitive information will be discussed
> on this mailing list. Please take care to mark confidential information as
> confidential, and do not redistribute this information without permission.
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