Re: update WEbsite

Hi William,

In addition to my previous mail, can you change the text (just before the schedule,) about the Open Desktop Day on:

my suggestion for the text would be:

Prior to GUADEC, the GNOME Open Desktop Day will take place. The GNOME Open Desktop Day will be organized in association with Programme Office NOiV <> — 'the Netherlands in Open Connection' and Open DWR. In line with NOiV's action plan <>, the preconference will focus on the 'New Forerunners' /(action line 9, page 19 of the action plan)/ and other interested organisations in the (semi-) public sector
Please find the program below. You can register here (add link to: For more information, please contact 
Sanne te Meerman, +31 6 14829390
You might have better ideas for the text, I would be interested to hear. 
Can you also find a nice place for the logo of Open DWR? (see attachment).

Sanne te Meerman schreef:
Hi, I've sent the message below, with attachment but it's awaiting approval, so I'll send it without. William is looking into it, but he might need some help.

Hi all at Webteam,

For the GNOME Open Desktop Day, there are some changes to be done for the website. Fortunately, Erik Bosman and Sense Hofstede have already done most of it. There are some relatively small tasks left, however. Who can help me get them online as soon as possible?
This still needs to be done:
-at this page:
A bullet is to be added on the right at 'Important information', with 'GNOME Open Desktop Day' -The names in the speakers on the schedule: should point to the biographies and photos of speakers (each a sepearte page or one big page with anchors). In the attachment I've added a document with all the biographies and photos. I've added all the photo's seperately as well. Also, I've included an HTML file that Sense has started already (thanks!). Sense is in the middle of exams however so we shouldn't be bothering him :-)
Let me know if you can help.
Sanne te Meerman

Sense Hofstede schreef:
On 15 June 2010 11:58, Sanne te Meerman <sanne opensourceadvies nl> wrote:
Hi Sense,

This is the text for the website.

At the chapter 'the conference' (top menu),

Can you also add a bullet with 'GNOME Open Desktop Day'?

For the texts, zie attachments. All photographs are also attached. It's my
intention that from the program you can link to seperate pages for the
bio's. Whether you give every speaker a separate page, or if you make one big page with all the speakers of GNOME Open Desktop Day, and every link anchors to that specific bio is up to you. Whatever works best for you.
ps. forgive me for further changes that will probably come. There are others
involved with deciding about the program as well, and there is also
non-response from some people who have said they would participate. For now, we need to have a preliminary program online to go on with further promotion
of GUADEC and this particular day.


I have edited the schedule, put it in an HTML table and added it to
the current overview page at
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time. I wrongly expected that all
your additions would just be extra text, or corrections for existing
text. Tomorrow is the first day of a text/exam week at school, and
next to that I am also busy with 'regular' school work that all needs
to be finished and/or handed in now the school year is coming to an

Next week I will have more time to work on the website, but if you
really need someone to do it you could ask someone else. I've attached
the HTML file I am using the edit the overview page because the HTML
viewer in OCS is unworkable, putting everything at one line.

Regarding your request to add an item for The GNOME Open Desktop Day
to the top of the GUADEC 2010 website: I would like to hear from Koen
and the other website volunteers first to hear what they think about
adding an extra item to the navigation bar. I am in favour of creating
a separate page for The GNOME Open Desktop Day in the (near?) future,
and at least add a link to the right sidebar at the conference's page:
<>. Together with the
desktop training it could get a separate heading "Other events around
GUADEC", or something like that.

The separate page(s) with the information about the speakers is
something that I definitely won't be able to do within the next two
weeks. I'm sorry, maybe I should have let know that I would have very
little time these weeks, but I can't just drop all my school books for
this. I hope you understand. :)

Kind regards,


This is the preliminary schedule for GUADEC 2010 and the activities that coincide with it.

    Aula     C1     C2     C3     Foyer
Saturday July 24th GNU Hackers’ Meeting <> Sunday July 25th GNU Hackers’ Meeting <> Monday July 26th GNOME developer training <> The GNOME Open Desktop Day <#open-desktop-day> BoF <> Tuesday July 27th GNOME developer training <> BoF <>
    Wednesday July 28th
9:30 - 17:30 GUADEC GUADEC GUADEC BoF <> Hacklab
Thursday July 29th
09:30 - 17:30 GUADEC GUADEC GUADEC BoF <> Hacklab
Friday July 30th
09:30 - 17:30 GUADEC GUADEC GUADEC BoF <> Hacklab

    The GNOME Open Desktop Day

With the upcoming release of GNOME 3.0, it will be no surprise that a lot of attention will be focused on the latest release issues. But there will also be special interest for the open source desktop in education and the government.
NOiVPrior to GUADEC, the GNOME Open Desktop Day will take place, 
which is in fact a preconference to GUADEC. The GNOME Open Desktop 
Day will be organized in association with Programme Office NOiV 
<> — 'the Netherlands in Open 
Connection'. In line with their action plan 
<>, the 
preconference will focus on the 'New Forerunners' /(action line 9, 
page 19 of the action plan)/.
This means that some of Europe’s most interesting 'early adopters' 
of free or open source software on desktops in government 
organizations are invited to share their experiences. Some of these 
projects are:
    * The GVPontis project
      (Valencia, Spain)
    * The Wollmux projecy <> (Munich, Germany)

What is perhaps most striking about these projects is the synergy that they have created, as they involve close collaboration of government institutions, software communities and businesses. During The GNOME Open Desktop Day, the pursued strategies and background of some of the most interesting projects in Europe will be discussed.
If you are an early adopter, or want to become one, please contact 
Sanne te Meerman — /sanne <at sign> — or visit 
this site regularly for updates on the program. This preconference 
is also accessible for open software businesses. However, you must 
be sponsor of GUADEC in order to participate. To become a sponsor, 
please take a look at the GUADEC sponsor’s folder 

      Preliminary schedule

Time     Event
9:30     *Information market*
A chance to stroll around the floor and connect with companies who offer products related to free and open software, or services related to the desktop.
11:00     *Meet the GNOME Foundation*
With, amongst others:

    * /Stormy Peters/, executive director of the GNOME Foundation.

12:00     Lunch
13:00     *GNOME and other free or open source on the desktop*
With, amongst others:

    * /Daniel Armendáriz/, coordinator of the technical office of free
      and open source of the Basque government.

14:15     Break
14:30 *The GNOME Accessibility Project, and its use within the government of Andalucia*
With, amongst others:

    * /José Félix Ontañón/, project manager for Emergya that manages
      the Guadalinfo software, a project of 740 telecentres in
      Andalusian towns and cities;
    * /Juan Conde/, (with reservation) manager of the free software
      section at the secretariat of telecommunications and information
      society of Junta de Andalucia.

15:45     Break
16:00 *How we can move forward in the Netherlands with free and open software on the desktop* /(interactive session)/

    * /Stephan Wildeboer/, project manager of several government
      projects regarding the use of free and open software in the
    * /Arjen Kamphuis/, independent advisor and co-author of the first
      initiative in parliament to push free and open software in

17:30     Drinks

      Chair of the Day

Arjen KamphuisArjen Kamphuis — born in 1972 — studied Science & Policy at Utrecht University and worked for IBM as Unix specialist, Tivoli consultant and software instructor. As IT-strategy consultant at Twynstra Gudde he was involved in starting up Kennisnet <>, the Dutch educational network. Since 2001 he is operating as an independent adviser of companies and governments. He co-authored — in 2002 — a motion in parliament that ultimately turned — in 2007 — into a full-fledged Dutch government policy mandating the use of open source software for all government and public sector IT-operations.
At present Arjen divides his attention between IT-policy and the 
convergence of IT, biotechnology and nanotechnology and its social 
and economic implications. Arjen gives guest lectures on technology 
policy and scenarioplanning at various universities and colleges.
When not consulting, Arjen is actively involved in (digital) civil 
liberties, the open source movement and criticizing the war on terror.








This is the preliminary schedule for GUADEC 2010 and the activities that coincide with it.

    Aula     C1     C2     C3     Foyer
Saturday July 24th GNU Hackers’ Meeting <> Sunday July 25th GNU Hackers’ Meeting <> Monday July 26th GNOME developer training <> The GNOME Open Desktop Day <#open-desktop-day> BoF <> Tuesday July 27th GNOME developer training <> BoF <> Wednesday July 28th 9:30 - 17:30 GUADEC GUADEC GUADEC BoF <> Hacklab
Thursday July 29th
09:30 - 17:30 GUADEC GUADEC GUADEC BoF <> Hacklab
Friday July 30th
09:30 - 17:30 GUADEC GUADEC GUADEC BoF <> Hacklab

    The GNOME Open Desktop Day

With the upcoming release of GNOME 3.0, it will be no surprise that a lot of attention will be focused on the latest release issues. But there will also be special interest for the open source desktop in education and the government.
NOiVPrior to GUADEC, the GNOME Open Desktop Day will take place, 
which is in fact a preconference to GUADEC. The GNOME Open Desktop 
Day will be organized in association with Programme Office NOiV 
<> — 'the Netherlands in Open 
Connection'. In line with their action plan 
<>, the 
preconference will focus on the 'New Forerunners' /(action line 9, 
page 19 of the action plan)/.
This means that some of Europe’s most interesting 'early adopters' of 
free or open source software on desktops in government organizations 
are invited to share their experiences. Some of these projects are:
    * The GVPontis project
      (Valencia, Spain)
    * The Wollmux projecy <> (Munich, Germany)

What is perhaps most striking about these projects is the synergy that they have created, as they involve close collaboration of government institutions, software communities and businesses. During The GNOME Open Desktop Day, the pursued strategies and background of some of the most interesting projects in Europe will be discussed.
If you are an early adopter, or want to become one, please contact 
Sanne te Meerman — /sanne <at sign> — or visit 
this site regularly for updates on the program. This preconference is 
also accessible for open software businesses. However, you must be 
sponsor of GUADEC in order to participate. To become a sponsor, 
please take a look at the GUADEC sponsor’s folder 

      Preliminary schedule

Time     Event
9:30     *Information market*
A chance to stroll around the floor and connect with companies who offer products related to free and open software, or services related to the desktop.
11:00     *Meet the GNOME Foundation*
With, amongst others:

    * /Stormy Peters/, executive director of the GNOME Foundation.

12:00     Lunch
13:00     *GNOME and other free or open source on the desktop*
With, amongst others:

    * /Daniel Armendáriz/, coordinator of the technical office of free
      and open source of the Basque government.

14:15     Break
14:30 *The GNOME Accessibility Project, and its use within the government of Andalucia*
With, amongst others:

    * /José Félix Ontañón/, project manager for Emergya that manages
      the Guadalinfo software, a project of 740 telecentres in
      Andalusian towns and cities;
    * /Juan Conde/, (with reservation) manager of the free software
      section at the secretariat of telecommunications and information
      society of Junta de Andalucia.

15:45     Break
16:00 *How we can move forward in the Netherlands with free and open software on the desktop* /(interactive session)/

    * /Stephan Wildeboer/, project manager of several government
      projects regarding the use of free and open software in the
    * /Arjen Kamphuis/, independent advisor and co-author of the first
      initiative in parliament to push free and open software in

17:30     Drinks

      Chair of the Day

Arjen KamphuisArjen Kamphuis — born in 1972 — studied Science & Policy at Utrecht University and worked for IBM as Unix specialist, Tivoli consultant and software instructor. As IT-strategy consultant at Twynstra Gudde he was involved in starting up Kennisnet <>, the Dutch educational network. Since 2001 he is operating as an independent adviser of companies and governments. He co-authored — in 2002 — a motion in parliament that ultimately turned — in 2007 — into a full-fledged Dutch government policy mandating the use of open source software for all government and public sector IT-operations.
At present Arjen divides his attention between IT-policy and the 
convergence of IT, biotechnology and nanotechnology and its social 
and economic implications. Arjen gives guest lectures on technology 
policy and scenarioplanning at various universities and colleges.
When not consulting, Arjen is actively involved in (digital) civil 
liberties, the open source movement and criticizing the war on terror.


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