Hi Everyone, Lucas, as you requested: GNOME Chile 2007 Summary ======================== What we did at 2007 ==================== participation in local events * April 28: Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre, Santiago - Chile URL: http://www.installfest.info/FLISOL2007/Chile/Santiago talks: The GNOME Project, past, present and future. HowTo contribute to the GNOME Project. we have a stand to show the GNOME desktop and let people get closer to it. pictures of the event: http://www.flickr.com/groups/369737 N21/ * June 30: Universidad San Martin de Porres, Lima - Peru URL: http://www.usmp.edu.pe/ talks: Learning Python + GTK. * August Universidad Santo Tomás, Talca - Chile workshop: Developing graphic applications with PyGTK. * September 6/7/8: Tercer Encuentro de Software Libre. Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Temuco - Chile talks: HowTo contribute to the GNOME project. HowTo develop GNOME applications with Mono. workshop: Development with PyGtk. 29: Día del Software Libre, Curicó '07. Universidad de Talca, Curicó - Chile URL: http://curico.diadelsoftwarelibre.cl talks: 10 years of the GNOME project. workshop: Development with PyGTK. we have a stand to show GNOME running and also gave stickers. pictures: http://www.flickr.com/groups/sfdcurico07/ * October 12/13/14: 8vo Encuentro Linux 2007, Universidad de Tarapaca de Arica, Chile URL: http://2007.encuentrolinux.cl/ talks: HowTo contribute to the GNOME project. 10 years of the GNOME project. HowTo develop GNOME applications with Mono. pictures: http://www.flickr.com/groups/encuentrolinux2007/ Arequipa, Peru talks: Software Engineer good practices and the GNOME project. Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepcion - Chile workshop: Python and PyGTK. * November 10: 3er Congreso Austral de Ciencia de la Computación. Universidad Austral de Chile, Puerto Montt - Chile URL: http://congresoaustral.uach.cl/2007 talks: 10 years of the GNOME project. pictures: http://www.flickr.com/groups/congresogulipm2007/ 16/17: Segundo Encuentro de Linux Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Talca - Chile URL: http://talca.uautonoma.cl/encuentro/ talks: 10 years of the GNOME project. HowTo become part of the GNOME BugSquad. workshop: Live Hacking in the GNOME project. (choose a random bug and work on it) GIMP workshop. pictures: http://www.flickr.com/groups/elinuxua2007 20/21/22: Encuentro Open Source INACAP, Valparaiso - Chile talsk: GNOME 10 years of freedom. workshop: Developing with PyGTK. * December 30 nov/01 dic: Segundo encuentro de Software y Tecnologías Libres. UCSC, Concepción - Chile URL: http://encuentro.opensur.org/ talks: Introduction to the GNOME project. HowTo contribute to the GNOME project. workshop: The GNOME Desktop Environment. Developing with PyGTK. 14: Encuentro de Linux, Instituto Profesional La Araucana, Curicó - Chile 15: 1º Encuentro SW Libre "Pingüinos en la costa", Lota - Chile Positive Outcomes ================== * We grow a lot as a community and this year the GNOME Foundation sponsored 5 members of the group to assist to GUADEC and GUADEC-ES as listeners and speakers. * We covered more territory doing talks, had the possibility to go to Arica the first north city of the country and to one located at the very south like Puerto Montt this was a great achievement for us taking in consideration the huge distance we have to cover for making it * Most of, if not all, Open Source event in the country have the GNOME Chile representation Plans for the Future ===================== * We have to plan our strategies to world domination starting at "9° Encuentro de Linux, 2008", which is the biggest Open Source event in Chile * We are developing a program to create new hackers, there's a draft in Spanish at ftp://colbun.utalca.cl/asignaturas/estrategia/Haz_un_Hackerv002.pdf * We are joining forces with GNOME Hispano to bring back to live the "Libro de GNOME", creating channels of cooperation to generate one big source of information to Spanish speakers.
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