Re: [gupnp] Re: [gupnp] Support for Evented State Variable ?

Here is the sequence up to get a failure,

1. CTT Subscribes to DMR Service, OK
2. CTT Gets the initial NOTIFY with sequence "SEQ:0", OK
3. CTT fails to get initial LastChange Event from DMR, FAIL

I have captured some Event Notification packets with SEQ:1 or later which DMR actually sends to CTT, but CTT never verifies these packets.
The critical question is why adding Close Connection header to  
notify_subscriber method takes away this Eventing problem.
Mehmet Sahin

On Wed, 09 Dec 2009 15:13:25 +0200, yut616 <yut616 21cn com> wrote:

1. the CTT will check the first lastchange of the 5 continuous setvolumn etc. 2. and check the second lastchange should be large than 200ms between the first one.
Did CTT not receive your first lastchange? If not, it will fail.
Or your response does not be sent in 1 second.

CTT will check the lastchange in 1 second, and the event should not be sent frequently.


发件人: Mehmet Sahin
发送时间: 2009-12-09  19:02:06
收件人: gupnp
主题: [gupnp] Support for Evented State Variable ?
Are below ClientHTTP settings correct for GUPnP Framework?
I tested Rygel Renderer plugin which is running on GUpN Framework,
there're failures about "Support for Evented State Variable" related CTT
items (, etc...).
The Initial Event Notification part is actually working, however there is
a problem with next Event Notification (LastChange Events for DMR)
CTT waits for the LastChange state variable to be updated, and gives
ERROR:The DUT did not update the LastChange state variable.
I modified notify_subscriber method as below and the problem is removed.
However as far as I know, adding Closing Connection header for Persistent
Connections is not something acceptable.
How do I overcome this conflict, is below modification seems reasonable to
you ?
/* Send notification @user_data to subscriber @value */
static void
notify_subscriber (gpointer key,
                    gpointer value,
                    gpointer user_data)
         SubscriptionData *data;
         const char *property_set;
         char *tmp;
         SoupMessage *msg;
         SoupSession *session;
         data = value;
         property_set = user_data;
         /* Create message */
msg = soup_message_new (GENA_METHOD_NOTIFY, data->callbacks->data);
         if (!msg) {
                 g_warning ("Invalid callback URL: %s",
                            (char *) data->callbacks->data);
+       soup_message_headers_append (msg->request_headers,
+                                    "CONNECTION",
+                                    "close");
         soup_message_headers_append (msg->request_headers,
Mehmet Sahin
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