That stupid Guppi bug


OK - I finally managed to reproduce the Guppi segfault everyone was
reporting to me, and I hope make it go away. It turns out that it happens
on RH 6.0 and Debian unstable only. It will not happen (AFAIK) on Debian
slink or RH 5.2.

It looks like the problem was allocating a couple megs on the stack. In
src/, change NPOINTS from 250000 to something smaller, and
things work fine. guppi still crashes gdb, but that appears to be
unrelated to guppi itself crashing.

I'll check in a real fix tomorrow from my work machine, I've mangled my
source tree here and don't want to download a new one over 28.8.
Tomorrow I'll also fix the conditional compilation with Bonobo.

Thanks to everyone that reported this!


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