Automounting GVFS systems when devices are added?


I've been working on a GVFS backend for devices that use Apple File Control (iPhone, iPod Touch, etc.). These devices use a proprietary SSL connection, including certificate exchange, over a custom TCP-like protocol over USB, meaning that a userspace daemon is the only feasible way to communicate with them. I chose GVFS over the existing FUSE implementation because FUSE is not very well integrated with the desktop and is Linux-specific. (The code is at for the curious.)
It is essentially working, but I'm not sure what to do about 
automounting. When the user plugs in a supported device, I want to 
automatically gvfs-mount afc:// Given that as I 
understand it policy is not supposed to be implemented in HAL (which is 
possibly being deprecated in favor of DeviceKit in the future anyway?) 
what is the recommended way to do this?

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