Re: Writing a GVFS backend

Mark Ellis writes:
On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 17:44 +0200, jf dockes org wrote:
Bastien Nocera writes:
 > On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 16:46 +0200, jf dockes org wrote:
 > > Bastien Nocera writes:
 > >  > On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 12:44 +0200, jf dockes org wrote:
 > >  > > Hi,
 > >  > > 
 > >  > > Apologies in advance if this is a FAQ, please just point me
 > >  > > to the right place... The question:
 > >  > > 
 > >  > > Is it possible to write a GVFS backend out of the Gnome
 > >  > > source tree ?
 > >  > 
 > >  > No. The API isn't public.
 > > 

I too was surprised to find gvfs didn't have a facility for external
extensions. I've got round this somewhat, if you want an example of how
it's possible, have a look at SynCE in sourceforge,

The project is to connect to windows ce devices, and I implemented an
out of tree gvfs module when it took over from gnomevfs. I found it
doubly odd that gnomevfs could deal with external extensions and gvfs

The source is mostly some horrible autotools messing around which builds
a single source file and a header against the stock gvfs "daemon" source
files. It looks much more complicated than it is because I've tried to
keep it backwards compatible against older versions of gvfs.

I haven't needed to change anything related to the gvfs API in my own
code for 18 months, so the interface is actually remarkable stable. To
the gvfs devs, are there any plans to ever have a public API ? I don't
pretend to know how complex the internals are, or what plans are afoot
to change anything in there, but in seems a shame that you've made it so
easy to implement new backends, but haven't exported the interface. If
libdaemon were actually a shared library, all we would need would be a
few header files, and job done.


Hi Mark

Thanks, I will look at SynCE. I would not have dared get into this, but
it's different if you've already done the hard part :)



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