Dear gvfs developers, it's some times I have noticed an unwanted behaviour of gvfsd-http. That is, sockets used to retrieve files over the network stay in the CLOSE_WAIT state for ages... and thus the number of FDs is growing and growing. I have a long-running program I wrote (and I know also for Rhythmbox this was an issue), which soon runs out of file descriptors, leading to a failure. To help better seeing the problem, I have written a small program using Gtkmm, which exhibits the issue. It is attached here. To see it run out of file descriptors, increase the amount of fetches to 1001. I tried digging into GDaemonFile's source, which I think is the client counterpart to gvfsd-http, and I *think* the problem is at least that, upon destruction of the GFile it subtypes, gvfsd-http does not get notified to close the socket. In alternative, closing the socket upon a call to g_file_read_finish(), inside GIO, might be the correct think to do. I would like to know if this is a bug in gvfs, gio, or my program, and in the former cases if I should submit it to Bugzilla. Thanks for your help! Matteo % ---------------- %< ----------------------- %< ---------------------
// Please compile with: // g++ -std=c++11 `pkg-config --cflags --libs glibmm-2.4 giomm-2.4` // Then kill gvfsd-http before running, and monitor with: // lsof -p $(pidof gvfsd-http) #include <glibmm.h> #include <giomm.h> #include <iostream> namespace { static const char *URL = ""; } using Glib::ustring; using Glib::RefPtr; static RefPtr<Glib::MainLoop> main_loop = Glib::MainLoop::create (); class RemoteLoader { public: RemoteLoader (const Glib::ustring& url) : m_cancellable (Gio::Cancellable::create ()) { std::cout << "Requesting " << url << std::endl; auto file = Gio::File::create_for_uri (url); auto callback = sigc::ptr_fun (&RemoteLoader::on_load); file->load_contents_async (callback, m_cancellable); } ~RemoteLoader () { auto cancellable = m_cancellable; if (!cancellable) return; Glib::Thread *joinable = Glib::Thread::create ([cancellable] () { cancellable->cancel (); // No direct support for detached threads, so... Glib::Thread *self = Glib::Thread::self (); g_thread_unref (self->gobj ()); }); } static void on_load (const RefPtr<Gio::AsyncResult>& result) { char *buf = nullptr; gsize length = 0; const auto file = RefPtr<Gio::File>::cast_dynamic (result->get_source_object_base ()); if (!file) return; try { bool success = file->load_contents_finish (result, buf, length); if (!success) { std::cerr << "Not successful (" << file->get_uri () << ")" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Successful load (" << file->get_uri () << ")" << std::endl; } } catch (const Glib::Error& e) { std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what () << " when trying to load " << file->get_uri () << std::endl; } g_free (buf); } private: RefPtr<Gio::Cancellable> m_cancellable; }; static bool load_another () { static int how_many = 0; if (how_many > 9) { std::cout << "Exiting in 5 seconds... " << std::endl; Glib::signal_timeout ().connect_seconds_once ([] { main_loop->quit (); }, 5); return false; } for (int i = how_many*5; i < (how_many+1)*5; ++i) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << URL << "?nocache=" << i; auto loader = new RemoteLoader (oss.str ()); Glib::signal_timeout ().connect_seconds_once ([loader] { delete loader; }, 5); } ++how_many; return true; } int main () { std::cout << " === Killing gvfsd-http === " << std::endl; system ("killall gvfsd-http"); Gio::init (); Glib::signal_timeout ().connect_seconds (sigc::ptr_fun (&load_another), 1); main_loop->run (); std::string cmd = "bash -c 'pidof gvfsd-http | xargs lsof -p'"; std::cout << "\n\n\t === Running " << cmd << " === \n" << std::endl; return system (cmd.c_str ()); }
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