Re: does gvfsd-mtp support the POSIX API `rename`?


the wiki page is slightly outdated. The native move/copy is really
possible with MTP backend, however, it is not supported by all devices
unfortunately, which is probably your case. The problem is that the
display_name is not for all backends the same as file_name and thus
the FUSE daemon calls g_file_move instead of g_file_set_display_name
in this case. Maybe the MTP backend should fallback internally to
LIBMTP_Set_File_Name in this case..



PS: It would probably be better to use KIO MTP slave in this case...

út 22. 12. 2020 v 17:34 odesílatel oucaijun.happy--- via gvfs-list
<gvfs-list gnome org> napsal:
I failed to used QFile::rename (in fact it called POSIX API `rename`) to rename the file/directory of 
android mobile.

QString mtpDirPath = "/run/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:host=HUAWEI_VOG-AL00_MQS0220407000985/内部存储/Test/";
bool t_rename_mtp()
//Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.
    QString src = mtpDirPath + "dir00";
    QString dest = mtpDirPath + "dir01";

    QFile from(src);
    bool ret = from.rename(dest);   // FAILED
    return ret;

*     CPU : `Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz `
*     MOBILE : `华为 P30 Pro(VOG-AL00)` `华为 nova5 Pro(SEA AL10)`
*     `libmtp-dev`: `1.1.16-2`
*     `gvfs`: `1.38.1-5`
*     `qtbase5-dev`: ``
*     `libglib2.0-0`:``
*     `libglib2.0-bin`:``

I read to know that mtp backend do not surpport the move job. 
But seems the code say something different!

By reading the source code of gvfs 1.38.1-5 and glib2.0-, I found the `move`(POSIX `rename`) and 
g_file_set_display_name (GIO API) are both realized in gvfs(mtp backend) and gio.

I am not sure whether I understood the code correctly, also I failed to debug the gio code for running 
Could you kindly tell me the truth?  Thank you!

oucaijun happy 163 com
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