Re: Support for the UNIX hierarchy separator in the python rewrite

On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 12:07 -0300, Alejandro Valdes Jimenez wrote:
> Hi.
> See the follow link:
> comments?

We must to use the "Other Users' Namespace".

Some examples:

a normal user connected to server:

>>> cnx.namespace()
('OK', ['(("INBOX." ".")) (("user." ".")) (("" "."))'])

a admin user connected to server (cyrus for example):

>>> cnx.namespace()
('OK', ['NIL (("user." ".")) (("" "."))'])

the relevant data is: (("user." "."))

this say that Namespace is "user."


Alejandro Valdés Jiménez.
Ingeniero en Redes y Sistemas.
Area Plataforma
DTI - Dirección de Tecnologías de Información
Universidad de Talca.
Talca - Chile.
Teléfono: (71) 200408  FAX: (71) 200409

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