Re: [jokosher-devel] [PATCH] for ticket #26 (Moving instruments)

Jens Geiregat a écrit :
On 8/5/06, Jono Bacon <jonobacon gmail com> wrote:
On 8/5/06, Jens Geiregat <jens geiregat gmail com> wrote:
> Thx! I'll look into URI dnd as soon as I can. :-)

Awesome. The patch you gave us is fantastic! Keep up the great work!! :)


Some questions about uri-dnd:
- When importing an audio file (through the menu), the user can choose
to copy the file to the project audio directory. Should Jokosher
display a yes/no (or 'Copy', 'Use original') dialog when dropping?
I agree with Aq. Default should be to copy it to the audio directory.

- I wrote support for dragging multiple files at once to Jokosher.
Atm, it just imports them right after eachother (import the first one,
"start += duration", import the seconde one, ...). Is this the 'right'
way to handle multiple files?
I have already implemented a method that does this in event. It is 
currently used for moving events (to make sure they never overlap), and 
when pasting events onto instruments. Here is how it works:
1. Add a new event to
2. Make sure event.start value and event.duration value have been set.
3. Call event.MoveButDoNotOverlap(desired_start_position). This will start at the desired_start_position and continue forward from there. It will then set event.start to the first position it finds where the event does not overlap with any other event.
Excerpt from

def addEventFromEvent(self, start, event):

And then this will work better than just putting them at start += duration because calling MoveButDoNotOverlap() will avoid overlaps with events that are already present on that instrument.
- What to do with 'bad' file-uri's? (http:// in stead of file://,
trying to import a .txt, ...)

Just ignore them and tell the status bar to display "could not import 
file(s): %s".

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