[jokosher-devel] SVG vs. PNG loading on startup

doesn't imagemagick do it?
we could just steal some sourcecode from it.

2006/8/31, Stuart Langridge <sil kryogenix org>:
> I was thinking that the PNGs could be created using make at install
> time, however I created then using Inkscape's command line export
> feature and I'm sure not everyone will have Inkscape installed.

I'd suggest that they're created during the package build process; I
still think we should avoid having downloaders run "make" or similar
before Jokosher will work. People checking out directly should
probably be using the SVGs anyway so that changes are immediately
apparent. Inkscape can't be a build dependency, true, but it should be
pretty easy for someone to write something that uses librsvg to render
to a PNG (there are Python bindings at
http://www.rittau.org/blog/20060414-00, or a tiny tiny C program will
do it).

> The icons should still be developed in SVG format and kept this way in
> the Jokosher art module, however unless SVG has some other advantages
> that out way this increase in speed, I think we should have only PNGs in
> the Instruments/images folder.

I think Jokosher should try and load an svg first and then fail to a
PNG, so it can cope with both, but I agree that packages in distros
should probably just ship PNGs.

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