Re: [jokosher-devel] Documentation Team - plan for 0.1

On 15/07/06, Jono Bacon <jonobacon gmail com> wrote:
I was gonna mail about this. If you chaps could ensure you use
standard HTML headings for the section heads and don't include any
styles, the site stylesheet should pick it up. Try and keep the HTML
as simple as possible. :)
Just for fun I did an HTML dump off the Wiki and linked in the
stylesheets from the new site. I wasn't happy. It won't take much to
get it in shape, though.

As far as standard HTML, no problem. I'll start with a Wiki dump,
which is pretty basic.

I will ensure it looks pretty.
Sounds good to me.    :)

Also, Jeff, when you sent me the final completed docs in HTML, could
you not send me a patch - just send me the full files
Also a good idea. At this point the Wiki is so far past the HTML a
patch would be silly.

Jeff Ratliff (Gomer_X)

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