[jokosher-devel] Planning 0.2

Hi all,

With 0.1 nearly out the door, we can start thinking about 0.2. We need
to decide on a basic roadmap, and personally, I think the following
features are essential for 0.2:

* LADSPA support - support for LADSPA effects.
* Plug-in Support - support for installable plug-ins, like Firefox.
This will help kick off a plug-in community and allow Jokosher to be
customised in many different ways via plug-ins.
* Implement the audio part of the fadelines code.

Any other thoughts?

I am going to suggest the following roadmap:

Nov 1st - Feature Freeze - No more features, only bugfixing.
Nov 15th - Final code freeze - Only critical bugs and documentation added.
Nov 18th - Final freeze, packaging begins.
Nov 20th - Final Release

Sound reasonable?


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