Re: [jokosher-devel] Teams in Launchpad

On 11/7/06, David Morley <davmor2 gmail com> wrote:
On 07/11/06, Stuart Langridge <sil kryogenix org> wrote:
> Should we create the different teams (DocTeam, ArtTeam, CodingTeam,
> etc) in Launchpad to act as bug assignees?
Will it make triage easier?
It should do. The point here is that "The Jokosher FAQ is empty" is a
legit bug, but it doesn't need to be assigned to anyone in particular;
it's for the DocTeam as a whole. I'd like comments from the docteam
and the artteam in particular about whether they'd be happy for bugs
to be managed in this way...


<muntyan> what's the point in embedding emacs anyway? it's like
         embedding rocket ship into toyota camry

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