Re: [jokosher-devel] Track Position Markers

Jono wrote:
The event label sounds sane, but it would be more complex. A Bridge
label as an example would involve number of different layered
instruments. In many ways it makes sense to use the timeline as
timeline is a single time-driven construct as opposed to an event
which can be layered over the same time. See what I mean?
Marking events on the timeline seems a bit silly to me, though. That's
like painting the words "this is my car!" and a big arrow on the road
outside my house. It's fine up until the first time I move my car, and
then it's useless. Timeline-based events are only useful for an event
which always occurs a fixed time into a composition, and there surely
can't be many of those?


2. Make it halfway normal. I don't have any use for
laser-beam-shooting pocket combs, or non-existent existents existing
within their own existences, or ballpoint pens made out of lettuce.
          -- CardinalT dictates rules for the raif Silly Game

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