Re: [jokosher-devel] Art for 0.2

Panos Laganakos wrote:
Updated the extension-manager icon, should look much better on smaller
sizes now.
Looks great!
Let's use this!
- Andreas
On 10/31/06, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:
Jono Bacon wrote:
Hi all,

Right, we are heading towards 0.2, and there are a number of bits of
art that we really need sorting out. The sooner these are done, the
sooner the screenshots can be done for the website, docs and suchlike.

Could the art team take a look at and work on the items
in the Essential list. I would like to get all of that art in J if
possible. Otherwise, I will need to make the icons, and that will suck
like you have not experienced.


Ok, started working on the metronome, will be finished in a hour or so.
I'll try to nail down as many as possible on the list, but I can't do it
I totally need help from the artist dudes. Lurking no more!
- Andreas


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