Re: [jokosher-devel] SVG vs. PNG loading on startup

On 9/1/06, Chris Brown <snecklifter gmail com> wrote:
On 31/08/06, Laszlo Pandy <laszlok2 gmail com> wrote:
> On 8/31/06, Stuart Langridge <sil kryogenix org> wrote:
> > I'd suggest that they're created during the package build process; I
> > still think we should avoid having downloaders run "make" or similar
> > before Jokosher will work.
> There's no reason for the *user* to ever have to run make.

I agree entirely, and I think that this applies even if the user is
running an SVN checkout rather than a pre-built package.

Running make before or during the packaging process is no biggie - it just
should be documented that this should happen if others wish to create
packages in the future.
Agreed here too.


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