[jokosher-devel] Volume fades UI

On 9/18/06, Laszlo Pandy <laszlok2 gmail com> wrote:
Jono, you are right about having the control points on the red line
because right now, if you make a fade point there is no way of
changing it, once the selection has been cleared.
Agreed. This was always part of the plan :)

Another problem with the current gui is that when you select a portion
of audio and drag either of the fade markers up or down it creates a
diagonal line between the two selection points and lowers the audio in
a straight line on either side. So if I make the left fade marker 75%
and the right one 50% all the audio before the selection will be 75%
and all the audio after the selection will be at 50%. This is crap
because in my mind the point of a selection is because you only want
to modify that particular portion of audio.
What I always planned to do was, once you've dragged one of the
fademarkers, lock the other one so you can't drag both sides.


Medio tutissimus ibis.
(You will travel safest in a middle course)
        -- family motto

Medio tutissimus ibis.
(You will travel safest in a middle course)
        -- family motto

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