Re: [jokosher-devel] [PATCH] UI improvements

Text below.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Laszlo Pandy <laszlok2 gmail com> wrote:
I have two comments about this patch.
First it seems to me that shift clicking on events to select a whole
bunch of them, like you would so in a list of a treeview isn't very
necessary. Certainly it could be useful for deleting all the events on
an instrument, but I think this is an
edge case.

It can be applied like this, but also for selecting a narrower range of events, or in conjunction with CTRL-clicks for selecting a varied grouping of events, on which to perform any desired actions like delete, copy, etc. I don't know precisely how useful that would be in average cases, although I can imagine at least some uses for which it might come in handy, i.e. I suspect it covers at least slightly (and perhaps substantially) more than just edge cases.

Secondly, how would users without a middle mouse button start a new
selection? This patch would require a middle mouse button because
selections are a very important feature in Jokosher. I know a lot of
people who do not have a middle mouse button on their laptops, but
maybe there is still a way because Linux on Mac users manage to get
away without having a right mouse button.

I think most people with two buttons map some combination to middle mouse button, e.g. LMB+RMB. I actually didn't think they even made any mice with fewer than three buttons in the last decade (other than for Macs, of course). With laptops, don't they generally have either a middle mouse button or a part of the other buttons (e.g. the very insides) that acts as a middle button?

Otherwise I have no problems committing this patch. You have done a good job.




On 27/03/2008, Daniel Holt <daniel holt gmail com> wrote:
> Here are three patches that together make the following improvements to the
> user interface:
> When starting a new selection within an event, any previous selection now
> clears correctly
> MMB now starts a selection within an event
> Shift+MMB adds to a selection within an event or moves the selection within
> an event:
> If done on or before the beginning of the existing selection, stretches the
> selection from the left
> If done on or after the end of the existing selection, stretches the
> selection from the right
> If done amid the selection, drags the whole selection
> Currently the drag starts with the end of the selection where the mouse
> clicks, but the drag should start with the selection exactly where it is
> Ctrl+{L|R}MB now deselects an event if it's already selected
> Shift+{L|R}MB now selects all events from the most recently selected event
> to the currently clicked event. Can be combined with Ctrl+LMB Patches are
> included as attachments, and affect,, and
> Daniel
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