Kupfer version c18 released

Hi all,

Kupfer version c18 is released:


Please report bugs to https://bugs.launchpad.net/kupfer


Released 18 November 2009


* New plugins:

  + *Pidgin* by Chmouel Boudjnah
  + *Google Translate* by Karol Będkowski
  + *APT* (package manager APT) by Martin Koelewijn and Ulrik
  + *Document Templates*
  + *Kupfer Plugins*
  + *Show Text*

* *Gajim* plugin matches contacts by jid as well as name, suggested by
  Stanislav G-E (LP 462866)
* Action *Rescan* on sources is now debug only (should not be needed)
* Kupfer installs its Python package into ``$PREFIX/share`` by default,
  instead of installing as a system-wide Python module.
* Kupfer can take input on stdin and pass as text to an already running
* Fix bug in *Services* for Arch Linux, reported by lh (LP 463071)

* Changes for plugin authors:

  + May use ``uiutils.show_text_result`` to show text
  + ``kupfer.task.ThreadTask`` is now a reliable way to run actions
    asynchronously (in a thread)
  + You can use item *Restart Kupfer* to restart (in debug mode)
  + Plugins may be implemented as Python packages, as well as modules

* Updated the dependencies in the README. pygobject 2.18 is required. Added
  gvfs as very recommended.
* Other bugfixes

Localization updates:

* de (Mario Blättermann)
* es (Jorge González)
* nl (Martin Koelewijn)
* pl (Karol Będkowski)
* sv
* zh_CH (lh)

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