Re: Is Kupfer dead?

On 05/09/12 04:55, David Schneider wrote:
I assure you the importance of Kupfer is not lost on anyone here.  If
development is slow, it just means that Kupfer already does a vast majority
of the tasks that the developers personally want it to do, so adding features
is not a high priority and will routinely fall second to anything else
important going on in their lives.  Donations will not fix this (correct me
if I'm wrong, Ulrik); instead, we need people like you to contribute! Kupfer
is written in Python, so it is extremely easy to hack on.  Even if you don't
know Python, try writing a Kupfer plugin; it's a great way to get your feet
wet without having to grok a huge codebase, and you'll be amazed at how
little code is needed to add that feature you've always wanted.  If you're
more experienced with Python, try fixing a bug, or adding a feature to the
core. If you have no interest in programming, learning Python, or just don't
have the time, then help us get the word out about how awesome Kupfer is, and
encourage your Pythonic friends to contribute.
This might be a good time to mention that a while back, I posted a few 
pieces of code to this list, but they all got to the point where I'm not 
getting any feedback and they don't seem to have been added to Kupfer. 
Is there a better route for contributing code than through the list/bug 
(For reference: )

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