Re: JSGTK - downloads

I happen to have a copy of the JSGtk mentioned on the bindings page (albeit I
cannot remember exactly where I found it).  I'd be happy to email it to; it's
only about 36kB compressed... but I loathe to do so unsolicited.

Just so you know... these bindings are written against a quite old version
of Gtk+-1.2 and required some minor tweeking just to get them to compile.

With that said, I'm currently working on a completely new set of Javascript
bindings for Gtk+-2.x (including libglade support) but I only just started
last week (still trying to wrap my brain around GClosures and Marshallers
and such).

Of course, if anyone is interrested... I could always use some help... :-)


On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 09:39:21AM +0100, Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
> > I am not able to access JSGTK as it is not opening the page.  I want to
> download JSGTK. Could you please provide me another link.
> Sorry, we are not responsible for the individual sites. I could not find
> anything with google. I will remove the link from our page after a couple of
> weeks if it remains unavailable.
> I have noticed that this guy:
> has been mentioning Javascript and Gtk in his weblog. If you have time, you
> might offer to work with him.
> Murray Cumming
> murrayc usa net

                                                      Timothy E. Peoples
                                                   Have Camel, Will Code
                                                         tim toolman org

"The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition."
                                                         -- Carl Sagan

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