Re: papers comittee, thank you!

Thanks Sri. I’m unclear about point #1 :-\

On 6 Apr 2016, at 2:40 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 12:54 PM Adelia Rahim <adeliarahim gmail com> wrote:
Hi team! 

Excluding the paper committee, to iron out the timeline vis-a-vis the conference dates first.

I’ve referred to the call for papers timeline of GUADEC and GNOME.Asia and it looks typically about 1 month given from date of call to submission deadline, and then about 1 week for committee to review and decide, and then right away the successful submissions will be notified.

Note that we have put an end-June as the crossroads; whether there will be a LAS GNOME or not.

That said, I’m suggesting a timeline that looks like this;

April 13th - Call for papers! (this is as ASAP as possible, we decided on this date in the last meeting)
May 11th - Deadline for submitting proposals
May 18-20th - Accepted speakers will be notified (in the last meeting, we noted a date of July 1st/2nd for this)

I am okay with the timeline.  What do others think?

Some points I need your thoughts on;

1) Timeline above is crafted based on assumption that we want to gauge level of interest of speakers participation by end-June, our deciding point. We noted in the last meeting, to identify speakers by July 1st; I moved this way forward, is it okay? We do not want to stretch the submission period too long right?

No, I don't think so, we want to give people a quarter so that they can at least get a chance to get cheap air tickets.  But we also need to tell them of the possibility of things not happening so that they don't get charged for airline tickets.. so I think we might want to time speaker acceptance after we make the go/no go decision.

The go/no go is at end-June. So are you suggesting we move the May 18 date to later after the go/no-go decision? And that means we stretch the submission period and/or committee evaluation period. Or do we tell them still at May 18 or so but with a caveat about the finality of the conference so to have them hold off the travelling arrangement until we notify them? 

2) As mentioned, when we have the above sorted, we can fill the conference with something to drive registration too. So, do we want to open the registration (maybe early bird basis) right after we have identified the speakers i.e. before June ends. This would also help decide the yes-or-no decision right? 

Let me know what you think please.

These are my thoughts. :)  Thanks for summarizing.


On 6 Apr 2016, at 9:03 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:

Hi guys!  Thank you for volunteering to being part of the papers committee.  We have a las gnome meeting every friday currently at 18:00 UTC, but will likely change for earlier, waiting for europe to catch up on time zone.

I think everyone had the same question and that is in regards to scheduling.  So, I think I'mt going to give Adelia who is project managing this to come up with a good schedule.  But I would say that we want to do a call for papers as soon as possible so that we can get content on LAS GNOME conference page to drive registration.

As for what kind of content, I'm going to let you guys decide that within the confines of the conference charter what that is.

The idea of LAS GNOME is to have a conference around applications that promotes a  healthy application eco-system.  The eco-system should include all parts of the Linux eco-system.  I will leave it up to you all to figure out what is relevant.  But for instance, talking about Vulkan is probably in, talking about kdbus or its successor is in, talking about how to save power consumption might be iffy unless it is specific on say gnome-shell.  But tools to help power consumption might be in.

So to wit:

* We should start immediately on deciding what is in, what isn't
* We should move quickly on a call for papers ASAP so that we can fill the conference with something to drive registration.

We have a go/no go decision at the end of June in regards to moving forward with the conference, e.g. we figure out that we are fully funded to move forward.

I will be working on getting sponsorship from various companies.

Its important that we have fun, and that we can play with the concept.. we are playing to a crowd and trying to get them into invest in LAS GNOME.  The benefits to GNOME is:

* showcase and propagate our technologies
* Show leadership in a market channel that has been mostly ignored
* provide a way to attract companies to the adboard and be part of the GNOME eco-system

Basically, we are going to take the bull by the horns and create our own destiny using this conference as a vehicle rather than passively wait for an opportunity to be noticed by the powers that be.

I hope that answers your question.

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