Dutch Tax software violates the LGPL (Glib/GTK+)


For several years the Dutch tax office (Belastingdienst) is using their own closed source software in combination with several LGPL/BSD like components compiled into a static binary. To 'comply' with the BSD-style licenses and the advertisement they include the name and partial license in their in program help system, likewise for the LGPL license.
It is asked for several years to open up the software, which is totally 
ignored. Even public information act questions are moved aside.

I would like to know if:

1) it is acceptable if a software as widely used as tax software can use statically Glib/GTK+ libraries for 'compatibility' issues. It is mentioned that the library is not 'changed'.
2) this issue is been brought up before by the Dutch tax office and if 
they acquired a special license exception.

If the above is found not acceptable I wonder if anyone with a substantial copyright claim could help me formulated a compliance request. To be send to 'De Belastingdienst' and with a CC to the Dutch Open Source office, part of another ministry.

Yours Sincerely,

Stefan de Konink

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